children in Swaziland spacer


"When we pour out our heart to others, we are pouring out our heart to ourselves."

Your dollars go a long way!

The national currency of Swaziland is the Emalangeni (pronounced eh-ma-len-gain-e), it is tied at a one-to-one ratio with the more well-known South African Rand. Exchange rates are extremely favourable to the dollar. The drastic difference in tuition rates between the US and Swaziland allow us to send children to college for one-tenth the cost. This means we can fully educate 10 young adults in Swaziland for the same cost as educating one child in America.

The average Neighborhood Care Point cares for twenty needy children each day. For literally pennies a day we can provide a nourishing meal and basic education to one of thousands of orphans in need.

We are all connected in this world. It doesn't matter if you live in America, Africa, China, India or anywhere else. By giving to others, you are indeed giving to yourself.

Now take a moment in your busy day to ask yourself "How can I make a difference?" Sponsoring a child's education or a Neighbourhood Care Point. ANYTHING that you do will make a difference.

Help secure a New Day for Children through your support:

Help to feed, educate, and support orphans through an amount of your choice:

Help sponsor a young adult with a scholarship to a Technological Institution:

Through our sponsorship program, you will have the opportunity to form a relationship with your sponsored child. By correspondence using email and letters, you can monitor your child's progress and form a unique bond with this young adult as he or she progresses through your gift of education.

Sponsor a young adult with a Technological Scholarship for tuition, books, fees for $2000.

Help to sponsor the establishment of a Neighborhood Care Point, and provide for the needs of the children:

Helping to establish a Neighborhood Care Point will include your name prominently displayed as the donor. You will receive pictures detailing the establishment process and see what a difference your donation has made.

Establish a Neighborhood Care Point for $5000

Monthly Donations:

Donation Options

All donations to New Day for Children are tax deductible based on a 501 (c) (3) designation as a public charity.

Donations can be made via Paypal or checks made payable to "New Day For Children Foundation" and mailed to:

New Day For Children
c/o Donald C. Sider and Associates, P.A.
6751 North Federal Highway
Suite 200
Boca Raton, Florida 33487

Tel: (561) 391-1100

Employer ID#: 90-065 5546

In Swaziland:
P O Box 1407

Tel: (+268) 7683 4329

children in swaziland
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