Our Projects
Neighborhood Care Points
A Neighborhood Care Point (NCP) is an essential part to of all rural communities in Swaziland. It offers a place of refuge for the orphans in the community. Approximately twenty children come to each NCP for a daily meal. For many this is the only meal that they will have that day. At the NCPs the pre-schoolers are also educated daily in language and socialization skills. Mothers from the community volunteer as cooks, and "Mothers" are hired as teacher. Food is provided for the children, and an allowance of food for the cooks, as well as a monthly stipend for the teacher. Pots, pans dishes, cups and utensils are also provided.

Technological Colleges Scholarships
Many of the orphans of Swaziland do graduate from high school. A few will go on to a University, but most will need a trade that they can rely on to support themselves and their future families. These trades can be acquired at a technological college that offers the students a degree. The trades range from electrician, accountant, mechanical engineering, automotive mechanic, teacher, and many others. Upon graduation the student will then be equipped to enter the work force with a true skill.