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About the Foundation

Why Us?

"There is nothing more rewarding than having an agenda to help others."

What makes our organization unique is that the two principal founders will never be remunerated for this. There are no salaries and no offices to pay for. The funds that are donated go to the orphaned and vulnerable children in need.

Neighborhood Care Points are established where food will be provided for orphans in rural communities, on a daily basis. Approximately twenty orphans will come daily to each Neighborhood Care Point.

What differentiates our project from other similar type ventures is the emphasis on making sure that the orphans have a trade or life skill to rely on if a traditional University is not an option. We will continue to help deserving children achieve a better future, bridging the transition from childhood to adulthood by granting scholarships to a technological college for orphans that have matriculated from high school. The scholarships enable them to obtain a degree in a useful and valuable trade such as electrician, accountant, mechanical engineer, automotive mechanic, teacher, and others.

children in swazilandchildren in swaziland
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